
Because thats all that matters right asshole? A pregnant woman was brutally raped and murdered but all a scumbag like you cares about is that some People of Color (tm) might get called mean names somewhere. Kindly go fuck yourself.

No way will this movie flop. They could have filmed JJ Abrams taking a dump and the fanboys would still flock to it 100’s deep. As for future movies which will be released EVERY SINGLE YEAR, i am sure this franchise will be run into the ground by Disney in 5-6 years. I guess we will have to wait and see.

This movie will make a ton of money even if its the biggest piece of shit ever filmed. However Disney is going to milk this franchise to death, and by the 5th or 6th movie most people will be over it except the hardcore fanboys. When we have a new movie coming out every single year its eventually going to become no

Are you kidding me Rogoway? You do realize that you are hosted by Gawker Media right? One of the far left enclaves on the web, yet you say no place for that crap here (and the nonsense about the team jersey)?? LMFAO!

lol what a fucking stupid idiotic response. Get real.

why? Because he brings up a valid point dipshit??

Yes “smart people” who like to debate physics in a make believe fantasy land. Thats not smart. Thats stupid and pathetic.


Then get a fucking life and stop living in make pretend fantasy land where people in space have magical powers and play with fake laser swords. At some point its time to grow up past 7 years old.

Noted. Thanks!

Or it’s just a make pretend object in a movie that dosent exist except as a plastic model or CGI. Seriously, these threads are hilarious, and pathetic. Do you really waste your time thinking about this crap?

A ton of flaws with your false comparison.

Yeah and he sucked just like you do.

Your pal neville would agree with you fuckwit.

Wow now i know you are a dumb fuck. The first link is of an SU-24 which is an older aircraft and have been slowly phased out of the russian AF for years. We have F-18’s and 16’s that are just as old. Your second wiki link pretty much proves my point that the su-34 is modern fighter. Nope not trolling. Are you just

Yeah the SU-34 is a relic. Dumbass.

1980 Just called. It wants its completely outdated and meaningless reference back.

Yeah, ISIS and Syrian rebel ones.

Weeks? LOL! Now i know you have not a clue. But you keep on beating your chest. Muerica! Fuck yeah!

Perhaps, but we would lose thousands upon thousands of lives, not to mention possible nuclear scenarios in which nobody wins. To fight a country like Russia we would need conscription which this country has zero stomach for. You think your average social media addicted millennial is going to show up to his draft call?