These is completely different from Afghanistan. Terrible comparison. Plus Afghanistan is not the “middle east”
These is completely different from Afghanistan. Terrible comparison. Plus Afghanistan is not the “middle east”
We haven't fought an industrial power in decades. You frankly have no fucking clue what would happen if we went to blows with the russians.
wow are you narrow minded.
Sounds more like toxic single motherhood created him to me. Far more than your fictional “patriarchy”
Go chop your balls of beta male and save everyone the trouble. Pathetic.
LOL! The patriarchy??? You are really going to turn this into a feminist thing? I will keep my masculinity thank you, and so will any man that your twisted way of thinking doesn't infect. In the mean time you can take your Feminazi opinion and shove it right up your big fat ass sweetheart!
People like you really are the shit scum of the earth. Lower than rat shit.
the IRA was also highly marxist.
Fucking Atheists....
Suck it up fucker. Guns aren't going anywhere.
You are a fool who knows nothing of what you are blathering about. You far underestimate Russia or its modern airforce.
And the most foolish, naive statement of the day goes to......
And you are a piece of dog shit.
God you fucking people are incredible.....
Sorry, Id much rather use my large screen nav system which is integrated into my car and gives me directions in my line of sight via MFD, over clipping a clunky smartphone to my dashboard.
Best post I’ve read on here! How dare you post “facts” and “first hand experience” here you “evil” mansplainer!! GIRRRRRL POWER!! lol
No its not. Its sad.