Gawker's Libtard Tears

white guilt makes you stupid

libtard enclaves are almost always overwhelmingly white
libtards live in sheltered bubbles
libtards are NAIVE

white guilt makes you stupid

white guilt makes you stupid

White Guilt makes people stupid, and the former Gawker Media shit-sites are proof.

“Overwhelmingly, white people voted to preserve whiteness.”

Weird how being subjected to 8 nonstop years of anti-white identity politics will do that to a people.

You’re proof that segregation is a good idea.

The weeping vaginas of Jezebel are churning out the comedy gold today!!! LOL

How does reality taste, libtard cunt? LOL

bullshit lies

White guilt makes people stupid, and Jezebel is proof.

Your black libtard tears are delicious!

nice libtard virtue-signalling
you get a cookie

white guilt makes you stupid

Christianity is stupid
White guilt is stupid

white guilt makes you stupid

you’re proof that white guilt makes people stupid

I’m loving the libtard tears of the shit-hole that was once Gawker Media.