
Not all blacks steal and murder but enough to be a problem. So we need to teach all of them

I’m scared that someone may say something mean about those who practice peaceful radical islam

I’m sure the people who lost limbs in Boston don’t feel the same

It’s a magazine not a clip

The fact they made all that tooling says they will make it.

My 03 impala beater goes 6000-8000 miles between changes, all highway cycle. In that time it Burns 1 quart. And gets junk oil from a quick oil change.

Hopefully they suffer a judgement as bad as gawker.

Why he ended the rumor that Hillary started in March 2007 with her campaign strategy memo.

There are three kinds or traffic Signal management devices for emergency services.

Oh and class 2 is 14.035hz

9.639 Hz you’re welcome

You’re a retard, the photos was taken after the cop yanked the keys out of the ignition

You’d sort of wish these fuckers would die if your a nurse /cop/ EMT and you see the same losers 3-4 times a week.

If you get raped call 911 not your fucking school

This old hag won’t make it until November

Lol an article bashing a guy for not changing a diaper when every writter for Jezebel is either infertile or plans on only having cats.

I will miss the tax ,integra and civic SI.