Gawker is Dead

All ubisoft games are like that ever since they stopped making Prince of Persia games.

The weapon is for kimahri and kimahri is one of the characters that I barely use. And if I did it would not be his attack just his monster mimicking thing.

Now playing

The game and it’s soundtrack are pretty underrated. Sure it’s not cannon and the storyline is pretty cliché. But it’s pretty good.

Simple, Blue Eyes White Dragon obviously.

Well smack my morphogenic ass and call me funyarinpa

And in the end you’ll find out that this isn’t really a fan game because Kojima Is a troll....

Jolly corporation.

“Yamagiwa-san! That Amygdala is really proving difficult. Any secret advice for beating it?”

Absolutly unrelated stuff: how do you get out of the grey zone ? I’ve been a member for some time now. Participating when I (motly) see a good joke to be made, but I still have to hoe for stars to get my comment out of the grey :((

Steam’s servers when Fallout 4 releases.

Premature Acceleration.

Motherfucker, this is what I came here to post xD

America focusing on trival media bullshit and never solving any problems like always.

Uncharted 4 Starley’s Misfortune.

What if that’s all BS and it was staged so no one would doubt that it was truly running in real time and being played live?

“Umm it’s not what it looks like, you see I only told her to come here so we can play Zelda!”

oh noes it has 5 circles so original :/