Gawker is Dead

“I’m really happy the last guardian is back, for kotaku people “

After SO3. The lore just isn’t as interesting as it was before because of some huge plot twist that if you’ve finished SO3 you’d know what I mean.

I’m just glad that Nintendo finally announced a new F[ox]-Zero

Also, if this E3 has taught us anything, it’s that Platinum is working on every single upcoming game in some capacity.

You’ll have to excuse him. This guy are sick.

Well. Now Valve just needs to announce Half-Life 3, and we'll finally have the final sign of the apocalypse.

Daaamn...and if the FF7 remake is true, Ninty has some tough sledding (but here’s to hoping they got legit stuff tomorrow!)

If you think everything is racist, maybe you need to stop being racist yourself.

Why are you angry that he gets all the virtual ladies?

I don’t think we read the same article.

Now playing

The whole Konami 2010 E3 was a classic, it still makes me lol 5 years later.

Reminder : Sandman is also one of the best comic books.

like chicken

It is cool.

Man, the Wii U version of P.T. looks way different.

What about Silent Hill? I heard the first movie is good, I have not watched it.

If I use this on Kotaku would it finally be ethical?

It sounds like reversing a gear in a car’s engine.

Your title made it seem like anime as a whole is going to end, but what he said I can see it. Korean anime might become more popular if they focused on more mature stories instead of the moe fad that flooded Japanese anime.

Is the guy in yellow shirt Nobuo Uematsu?