
Not if Jerry survived ...

Oh, Rodgers is famous for being a prick. Ever see his feature on 60 Minutes? He meets a guy who won a contest or auction at some charity function who says to him with a smile, “God, I thought you’d be bigger.” Rodgers (who’s 6-foot-2) responds, “I resent that.” He was legitimately pissed. He’s just one of those dry,

Day 2 money isn’t Fuck You Money. Hopefully, in between combine training, somebody’s filling him in on the wonders of compound interest.

Breitbart is reporting that Tiffany was caught having an orgy with five members of the Mar-A-Lago landscaping staff during Trump’s Obamacare specch at the resort.

Oh, none of you dipshits are involved in anything but badly delivered snark and bringing down Nick Denton. Which is to say, you’re not all bad.