
Why did the news report in the embedded video say she didn’t finish?

Congrats on taking care of that sub-.500 team with nobody approaching star-level, much less superstar-level talent at home. The East should have to play best of 9 series to compensate for the lack of wear they get relative to the West.

Big props to those who can run a marathon - I couldn’t even finish this article about running a marathon.

There’s not a lot of hustle on this site. Especially on weekends. Not to worry, though. If a soccer player eight time-zones away suffers a disgusting injury, you’ll be the first to know!

Being the best player in yesterday’s Wizards/Raptors college game is like being the tallest midget at a short-person rally.

As a Wizards fan, he is absolutely infuriating, but a part of me wishes he bumbles his way to a storied coaching career and multiple titles with the Wizards.

I've seen this happen again and again - the only thing that surprises me is that the others in the group believed the victims in this case.

Any man who calls himself a feminist immediately sets off my creep alarms. I have never met a male "feminist" who wasn't a manipulative tool.

THANK YOU. I'm a little annoyed to be playing this game but just as this lady wants attention, this post author wants argument.

You also lack that oh-so-important "clue" about her life. Your bias towards positivity in the face of evidence which might suggest self-destruction is enablement.