
The comments in this post, not to mention the article as a whole, has been pretty heavy on the “He’s a vile jackass” quotient, much less on the “come on, idiot, just google search”.

<puts on flame-retardant clothing>

“How do you know that I’m not reading black poetry?” <——(Real quote!)

The problem is everyone has their own talking stick and insists they are the one who should be speaking. It’s the fucking Oppression Olympics.

If conservatives have one advantage it is homogeneity. Progressives can hardly get their shit together to mount an opposition because they are too busy arguing about which affinity group has too much privilege. 

Infighting IS the cause.

I think you missed the part where I said the people they were listing mostly did good work. An honest mistake!

But, Freddie and Glenn said something mean about Mother, so, you know...

You’re listing people who did mostly good work. An honest mistake!

This is my problem with the way these events/alleged events are reported here and elsewhere: every time a witch hunt gets started and then it turns out it was wrong, it damages the credibility of future, real assault allegations.

Can you ask Jezebel to cross post this just so they one billion unique clicks, and a few trillion comments?

Went back to read the comments on the original story. Maybe we should just hold off on publicly shaming everyone accused of a crime until all the facts are in. Just a thought. And kudos to Deadspin for posting a follow up. A lot of media outlets probably aren’t going to bother.

As reasonable, nuanced, and measured as the previous article?

Looking at the previous post’s comments... it takes video evidence for someone to believe the man. She hit him, choked him, and he pushed her away and she fell down some stairs and HE was the brutal “man” who needed punished.

Knowing how anti-Trump Pareene and most of his colleagues are, I think this is a way of saying, “OK, stop moping, Trump may have for reasons other than racism and bigotry and if we want to get him out in four years, or get progressives back in power, here’s how. Oh, and here’s what Trumpers might say to refute your

Complaining about the electoral college after the election is like complaining your (American) football team should have won because it had the most offensive yardage. Both sides knew how the game is scored and played accordingly.

It is satirical, but it’s also true. Trump played racists to cement their vote, but I don’t believe he’s any more so racist than I believe he has articulated thoughts on anything. At worst, he’s probably about a racist as any other 70 year old white man in America, which means he’s as racist as the times he grew up

This. I am beyond done with the moping and pissing and whining. People didn’t wallow in misery like this after fucking 9/11, for shit’s sake.

I’d say the reaction to a joke that was kinda clever, kinda meh, very harmless is perhaps a reason why Democrats lost the election.