
Well, since Pareene lives in New York (which Clinton won), it wouldn’t have mattered whether he did or didn’t vote yesterday thanks to the indefensible electoral college system. This was his whole point about why he was undecided about whether to vote.

As far as X’s and O’s, blocking and tackling is concerned, why we liberals keep fighting tooth and nail for gun control? I can’t think of a more suicidal electoral policy to pursue. Of course, it’s the morally correct thing to do, since guns are an abomination, but it is political suicide. It loses us huge swaths

Blame nearly every single person with any power in the Democratic Party [...].

For the life of me I’ll never understand why the democrats cleared the decks to anoint a candidate who had already failed miserably in 2008 and who revealed herself to be isolated and utterly out of touch with the electorate.

This is, by far, a better morning after take than the ones over on The Slot that, so far, are only blaming Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and their voters.

“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”

oh my, this article is gonna have the best kinja ever.

I found it odd that word of his supposed gambling habit came about after he was dismissed as a coach and right before he filed his lawsuit. For all I know it’s true, but the timing was suspect.

While DC’s NFL team and Chief Wahoo (and possibly even the Indians as a team) are legitimate points, I have a hard time seeing how the Braves or Chiefs are any less appropriate than the Kings or Cavaliers.

My god, I am tired of hearing about the Cleveland Indians logo being racist. The Cleveland baseball team has had an Indian head for a logo since the 20's and the cartoon “Chief Wahoo” since the 40's. How is this suddenly an issue?

I think it was inbetween. I’m sure Doe was under the influence of alcohol [but not pass-out/black-out/slurring/stumbling drunk] and/or weed and coke (they were partying, after all); I suspect she agreed to group sex, and the next day finally put the pieces together that Rose didn’t give a shit about her and basically

One one hand, I feel like this is just another case of a high profile celebrity getting the silky glove of money justice.

On the other, I can see why someone like him can be a target of “we had a wild night of multiple partner sex and now you owe me everything or I’m calling the rape dogs on you”

I can’t help but think that the plaintiff’s attorneys overplayed their hand - the theory of the case that Rose and his buddies broke into her apartment to gang rape her sounds fairly incredible.


Take this whole series of posts into some corner blog off the front page where the I dunno 8 people who give a fuck about every little detail in this shit show can go and get...whatever the fuck they get out of this. Stop plastering this shit all over the front page.

This case should be a mistrial. The latest text message shows that the plaintiff has withheld evidence, lied to the court and her account is flat out false. Here we have:

You must not be super smart. I’m not implying that you’re dumb, necessarily, but I can say with great certainty that you aren’t super smart. That is all.

“The very general proposition of journalism is this: The public has a right to know true things that are important to the public. It is the job of journalists to supply the public with these true things. This broad idea applies in practice not just to the goings-on of government, but to crime, and business, and

$35,000 a year seems like a lot to ask to you? You have a weird definition of “a lot.”

There’s a lot written here and not much being said other than a weirdly hostile “stick to weighty sports issues but sports nonetheless” message.