Gawker Is Dead

Then kill yourself. The officer that shot this ARMED man was ALSO black. Why won’t any of you intellectually dishonest (and stunted) simpletons acknowledge/report those FACTS??

Because they know people like you will get so inflamed at the slightest idea of “otherness”, that they’ll type comments about the show/watch more vids monetized by the studio/prod co to bolster your “argument,” (no matter which side you’re arguing) whilst simultaneously not recognizing their own hypocrisy (boiling a

I typically loathe/lol @ the incomprehensible (and adolescently smug) musings of those whom write for ALL the Gawker sites (Jezebel is usually too easy a target, so I often don’t criticize), but well done recognizing literary deficiency, AND simultaneously proving literary prowess by self-correcting in the bowels of

Yes, it is, you fucking idiot. Because FACTS AND FIGURES. Try using them sometime, again, you lily white, racist fucking. Moron.

Hmm, maybe when they started being assassinated in record numbers, per the mandate/goading of the BLM terrorist organization. Did you know that whites are 19 times (19 fucking times) more likely to be killed by a police officer than blacks?? Of course you didn’t. That would require an objective scientific method

Hey, Stef, let’s go through your Twitter posts and iPhone so we, too, can take them out of logical context to fit whatever narrative/agenda I’ve already concluded for no reason other than justification of my jobs existence. Fair?? Of course it is (I mean so long as you call everyone things they aren’t for...well, no

Yes, because of childish, adolescent and criminal threats made by the likes of people like you, whom would rather see an innocent American dead because you (think) you disagree with him politically. But you don’t even know what he stands for. That’s an objective fact. Because NO ONE knows what he stands for,

I’m guessing (lol, jaykay, I meant ‘knowing’) that anonymity and a keyboard are why you think you can think.

This reminds me of an old Hitler proverb: “He’s clean and talks nice...”

No, they do. More so, actually. But you all live in the hyperbolic echo chamber of the “aggrieved/oppressed” and are alllllllllll pawns (yet too lazy to even vote). And I can’t stand Trump. But I can give you specific reasons, rather than bigoted, knee-jerk (fallacious) assertions (eg, RAAAAAYYYYSIIIIISSST [cuz heeeez