The cops were all over him, like white on Rice.
The cops were all over him, like white on Rice.
guy didn't have a leg to stand on
I got 11 balls today
You don't need to hit Indians to beat them, a bunch of blankets will do just fine.
I’ll be sure to send the people of Brazil my thoughts and prayers.
Twitter is like life for Magic. He doesn’t know what to do with white cells.
At least OJ went 2-2 from the floor (allegedly).
Best Shark performance since right shark.
Knock, knock, knocking down heaven’s door.
There’s victim blaming and then there’s “not reporting relevant information.” In this case, the crime he was committing is the fucking reason he was shot and killed. I’d say that’s relevant and probably worth mentioning in the article.
Dallas News is reporting he got shot kicking down two doors to an apartment that wasn’t his in the middle of the night:
He got shot breaking into an apartment. Kicked down two doors at 3 in the morning. What did he think would happen?
were you in cryostasis for 2009?
The best brick wall, with the best, classiest bricks. Great bricks. The best bricks.
Somewhere Barbaro is looking down on this race and still not comprehending any of this, because he is a horse.
This GIF is mesmerizing. It is the smoothest, most seamless GIF I have ever seen. There is absolutely no break or jump where the GIF ends and starts over. Masterful job. Did you make this? 2 big thumbs up to you or whoever did!
“We’re sending you to the Giants.”