Mini Guy- Now has a 4Runner

Now if the drivers would swap wives...and Danica her husband...that would be must-watch TV.

While I know you are joking, this joke is particularly ineffective by being made on the day NASCAR is at Sonoma.

People have farted louder than that. I'm sure now you'll Google this. 

At my local track, noise limits. You can’t go above 100 decibels while racing. Lame.

More like playing Fordnite...

I miss having an old shitty car people hate riding in, it’s the best excuse to not waste gas on them and their poor opinions.

She’s wearing green, clearly she is Irish and an illegal import.


Real Salt Lake is the dumbest team name.

If Liverpool loses, “You’ll Never Walk Alone” will take on new meanings tonight for Karius.

I was wondering if the final was going to be covered at all. The American announcers and studio people have been awful. The World Cup coverage is going to be awful and only a masochist will watch the games on fox.

Not a car, but a bike. My first bike was a CBR300 with ABS. I was riding home in the rain, and this dude in front of me stopped short and I reflexively grabbed the front brake as hard as I could which is a big No-No on a bike. I could feel the ABS kick in and it undoubtedly saved my ass falling and sliding underneath

I’m late on this, but I once told the shareholders that I had lots of new designs and models coming out.