Mini Guy- Now has a 4Runner

My first car was a manual with no tach. I later added one, but until then, I used the oil pressure gauge as a stand-in. Of course, modern cars don’t have THAT now, either...

You’ll figure it out shortly, but the car should have a limiter/ fuel cut programmed it. It shouldn’t be a problem to bounce it off a few times off the limiter. My racecar has a honda F4i 600CC motorbike engine in it with a factory limiter of like 14,000 rpms. It’s currently reprogrammed to 11k and have no worries

Had a CRX HF with a broken Tach, a Metro and a Samurai with no Tach. You just shift when you stop going faster.

I know someone who googled this weekend to see what was wrong with their car. I swear if you can’t pass a warning light test you shouldn’t be allowed to drive!

Tires Mushy, Pressurize Soon


Meh... I win... I flew from Nagoya, Japan to Paris. Then took the train from Paris to Bretagne to meet my father... We drove together to Luxembourg where I bought the cheapest 1969 Fiat Dino Coupe in Europe at the time... I droveit back to Bretagne, played with it for 2 weeks then drove it to Southampton in the UK to

As a lifelong Georgia fan and sports fan in Georgia, every single one of those was amazing. I also enjoyed Baker Mayfield making the “throat slash/it’s over” motion when Rodrigo missed the field goal in the first half.

Look at how shaky he got after he got a taste of the defense we play in the SEC, sacking him over and over again. Dude’s going to have a great pro career, but he’s got to learn how to recover better after getting knocked off his high horse. Damn good game OU played, BUT GO DAWGS!

They were pretty stoked on 11/8/2016.

Do we have a single example of the Russian TV announcers getting excited about anything?

Now playing

Here’s how it sounded on the Oklahoma sideline:

They were all good.


This is a rough day at school.

I’m just trying to work through the logistics of this.

Holden Chevrolet SS.