James Veber

I could honestly see someone from 1987 being impressed that Donald Trump is the president. Then Marty gets to tell all about the campaign...

And I am saving that gif for every other time I share a minority opinion!

I thought I was the only one.

I believe you mean “Paddies.”

My keyboard now has coffee on it because of you.

I think a lot my “free” cable was luck but basically my internet bill went up like $10 so I called them to see what was going on. They explained that my promotional rate had expired and this was the new price so then I started asking about cheaper alternatives and they said their was a promotional deal where I could

This is always the hardest challenge for me. I mean I know I should at least try and the last time I did haggle I basically got free cable for a year so I CAN do it but as a socially anxious introvert I dread any kind of haggling so much...

the internet has ruined me so that the phrase “into that” now means something very specific...and not what you would generally associate a dog and cat doing together.

Well you may not have won the internet with that comment but you won my day.

I want to have a potato festival now. All cooked potato products are welcome.

“the butcher at my local snobby-hippy-overpriced grocery store was very excited to show me his gator meat...”

I know I will never get out of the greys but I find it odd that the first requirement was no child endangerment and yet you are reading Harry Porter to your kids. Those books are like a how-to on child endangerment.

Although if I was human that got train as an Asari Huntress I would get it tattooed on my forehead and where a damn t-shirt that said it too. Hell, I’d give out t shirts that said “James got to train with the Asari Huntresses and All I got was this lousy t-shirt.”

I dunno... didn’t work for this guy

The internet needs more articles like this.

The last line makes me doubt the whole thing but it doesn’t matter. The story is too good to let a little thing like whether it actually happened get in the way.

Maybe you should change your number...

Pretty much what I thought except for the slight uptick towards the end wasn’t enough for me to like the book. I also felt that Grossman thinks a lot of himself as a writer and a lot of the passages were just him writing as pretty as he could, which would be one thing if it was great prose but it really wasn’t.

Excellent advice. Hope you have a happy Easter if that is your thing and if not have a good weekend.

Yeah, I gave up drinking for Lent. There may not even be any food at my Easter dinner.