James Veber

Now that you mention it I suppose I have never actually looked for directions on the package. And when you put it that way I suppose it makes sense. For straightforward cooking it looks like sous vide wins again. Although I don’t know how anyone can wait that long to eat meat. The only thing that keeps me from

I have known way too many dogs who do this.

aww early TNG when they just had the space ethnicity of the week

I am now goint to use “ostensibly straight” wherever possible to describe my sexuality.

What the hell did you do to the one in the slow cooker? I mean I know you aren’t really trying to be impartial but what is the point of even doing it if you aren’t going to try. I have slow cooked corned beef (store bought, pre pickled cuz I am lazy) for several years now and it has never come out like that. It’s not

Damn, Lifehacker. You couldn’t just give me us the weekend to live in blissful ignorance? I mean this is some Monday afternoon news not Something to be read on a Friday. Although I suppose it may have been helpful Thursday afternoon as intended.

I would totally watch the adventures of Earth 69's flash who uses the speed force to literally put his dick in other timelines. Especially if he was played by Grant. But John Wesley Ship would be pretty funny too.

Will this break in two weeks like my Mpow headphones?

Will this break in two weeks like my Mpow headphones?

Well I know what my daughter and I are doing this weekend!

having sat through many a bad PowerPoint presentation I wish more people valued that skill set.

It excites me. But sometimes I still think it is 2003.

In the gif the bunny looks like he is made of chocolate. Now I can’t stop imagining all the characters as candy.

Yeah. I get that feeling from Kotaku and totally agree. Criticism is fine. It’s good actually because hopefully it spurs people to do better. Beating a dead horse because you just really hate Finn Jones and the new Iron Fist TV show is something else.

That’s what I would have thought. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt because my other impulse was that they just aren’t that good...

I wonder if it is a rights thing since they are mostly using existing songs?

Oh Paul. I may miss you most of all!

I’m not sure if it is getting worse or if I am just finally noticing it but I had to drop I09 from my news feed because almost every article was some variation on “this is why you should hate this.” I mean that is the exact opposite reason of why I love nerd culture. It should be “This is why we are excited and love

As usual the women’s clothing looks so much cooler than the men’s. Damn my broad shoulders and lack of curves!

As usual the women’s clothing looks so much cooler than the men’s. Damn my broad shoulders and lack of curves!

if they ever end the series I’m sure they will.

we are all here...But this is my last one. Honest!