
It’s a Filthy Frank reference.

He’s cosplaying as Mei.

This guy gets it. Sorry Pepsiman is too closeminded to think religion could possibly do any good. /shrug

But you can play every class/job on one character, so why bother making any alts, Mike?

Or people just like to listen to good voice acting while occasionally looking at the subs for words they don’t understand, like me!

Honestly I think Totoro isn’t that great, and unless you saw it as a kid there’s not much compelling to watch it as an adult. But that’s just me being a 25 year-old man watching it for the first time.

AKA Laura Dale was right all along


But, but, I DO speak Japanese... I just prefer to read in English while I listen to better voice acting!

My Japanese native wife refers to her own skin tone as being yellow compared to my pasty-white ass. I think it’s only American Asians getting upset about this. Hell, they even have a word for Asians that is literally “yellow people”. Maybe it’s other countries getting upset, but I don’t think Japan really cares. Just

Is this related to the version of the same name?

Careful. You criticize Zelda too much and you’ll get death threats like Jim Sterling!

Saw it today and thought of you, Brian!

Yeah, looks like it! It’s a pretty iconic walk. I wonder if he went to the Ghibli store?

Oh, hey, the hill leading up to Kiyomizu Temple! I love Kyoto!

Best impulse buy I’ve made in a long time. The commercial was great, too

I feel like I’m the only one who was really disappointed with the quality of the animation in this movie. It feels like it was mostly still frame pan-shots and everything was so slow! There was also a noticable lack of dialogue during the fights, which is uncharacteristic for the series.