
In my opinion, if I were about to go see The Sixth Sense and someone told me “the ending is crazy!” I’d consider that a pretty heavy spoiler. By simply browsing Kotaku and reading article titles you’ve spoiled the fact that the ending is somewhat controversial and/or “mind-boggling”.

Thanks for spoiling the fact that the ending is somehow "mind-boggling". I haven't beaten the game yet but thanks to you I now know there's some sort of surprise waiting for me. Imagine if you were going into watch the Sixth Sense and someone told you the ending was crazy! That's definitely spoiler territory in my

I’m here exclusively for the "just play the game normally" comments. Always a good laugh. 

While not mentioned in the Direct video, the quote in the article is from Nintendo’s own website, so chill your jets.

“Most importantly, yes, this latest batch of DLC is indeed a standalone storyline. You access it from the main menu. It even has its own separate set of save files.”

I’m 50+ hours in and have completed all the current story content and I’m just breeding and getting my Tems leveled up for when they release the rest of the game. I’m still having fun! I think the forced double-battles and move synergies is a neat concept and I enjoy having a hard time beating the Dojo’s. (gyms)

Oops, I guess by treating it as a single-player game with my own town I was playing it wrong all along! I definitely don't like AC because I didn't want my siblings taking the fossils or chopping down my trees! 

I just said that I can't call you a shill because Ninty isn't paying for you to defend them..

The Nintendo stans in the comments though... 

Okay! Show me where I can buy my own memory card so I don't have to share my town! Oh wait... 

Oops, I double replied 

I find crappy game design to be crappy game design regardless of how long ago it began. Now that the Switch has built in infrastructure to separate save files by profile there is no good reason, other than “they wanna“ for forcing all profiles to share the same save data.

I have enjoyed many great experiences from many game companies. I paid them the money for it and they don’t deserve anything more than that. This trend of defending corporate entities like they’re family just makes me feel sad.

I wish I could at least call you a shill for your defense of Nintendo, but I'm 100% sure they're not paying you. Which makes your shill-like behavior even sadder, IMO. 

You could buy separate memory cards or game cartridges to get around it on all but the Wii version, and many people did that.

Ignore this guy. He's upset that people are upset at a thing Nintendo did. 

You could always buy memory cards or multiple copies of the game, excluding the Wii version. Now there's no options at all except to buy an entirely new console. 

Nintendo is never going to thank you or reward you for how protective you are of their corporate image, so what exactly are you getting out of this relationship? 

“This thing doesn't affect me or bother me, so I think nobody else should complain about it." 
