
That just means there is no way in hell Iowa should be the first state in the primary season considering there first and third place got blown out once they got into diverse states. If SC were first I bet Harris would still be in it and Pete might have dropped out before the primaries began. Without Iowa, you dont

Just for those who want to “Biden is just as bad as Trump” right now:

Nah. Biden’s been pretty clear about choosing a woman, and a woman of color at that (Kamala Harris is likely). Both Pete and Amy didn’t have a path forward, and were both pretty anti-Bernie, so it makes sense they would drop out now to coalesce behind whoever is best positioned to thwart him. Pete was probably offered

If you’re voting your conscience and your conscience isn’t telling you that Trump needs to be out no matter what, then you are part of the problem.

Oh cool. A Corvair.

You mean Rufus, right?

The front end looks nice...”

If we’re lucky! 

I mean his problems with black people went way beyond not being able to get their vote

Maybe I’m just remembering prices as they used to be, but as an old-soul Gen X’er, I just can’t see paying $4k for a 27-year old car, with that description you just gave.

Hustlers was fine-it was not an Oscar worthy film, in my opinion. When people were gassing up her performance I was like wut even? She wasn’t bad or anything but the movie felt like it was trying and failing to be Lady Goodfellas (again, in my opinion).

Fuck, no way Joe (ugh) survives 2 terms, and questionable about even living thru 1 term.  Joe steps away in 3rd year due to health letting VP finish and that strong VP runs in 2024. 

Orange is the new Black

I guarantee they spent months gathering information on reliability and knowingly made the decision that warranty claims would be offset by better sales. They knew they were going to get that much in warranty, but were banking on the sales to wash it away.

Isn’t that vocal fry? Dudes (especially old ones) complain about that and women do it anyway. 

Ultimately, this is a genre that wasn’t all that viable in the 90s and that doesn’t make any sense 20+ years later.

Totally agree. I found the original movie pretty gross (and boring). I remember wanting to see this when it originally came out because I thought John Cusack, Lisa Bonet, and Jack Black would make for an interesting presentation. Line after line, John Cusack’s character just came off as such an @$$#0L3. Ultimately

I don’t know why the original movie gets as much credit as it does because I can’t get over the main character’s very creepy motives and actions. He wants to learn why all of his failed relationships ended? He wasn’t self-aware during the time or after to figure that out? He has to go contact all of his exes who, for

The End of Miss America

The clerk at the Holiday Inn looks me up and down and asks me if I’m here for the Miss America pageant.