
Fake story, we know that real brazillians don't look like that, they only look like this , always.

Expect tens of dollars of damage

I am experiencing a feeling of great pleasure from Brazil's humiliation....if only there was a word in German that precisely defined this emotion.

If you're looking for dirt on Johnny Manziel, I'm pretty sure the Browns offensive line will help you out.

What about a picture of Manziel preparing himself to play in the NFL?

It gets to 60 MPH in a little over six seconds, which is quick enough to make sure you won't be in trouble on the highway, but it's nothing that'll snap your neck, and that's mostly due to the weight hovering around 3,600 pounds. It's got huge amounts of torque, however, so you sort of waft to highway speeds anyways.

Old man's pants are not too high. This is too high.

Because government agencies have something called "outreach". The steps to FAFSA are just a tad involved to fit into 140 characters. Your government is public facing and must be able to reach as many communities possible in a cost effective way. Twitter and Facebook probably counts.

No, I think he's referring to Steve Hawaii, known racist.


The American enthusiasm for the world cup feels contrived and more so just another reason to party and get shit-faced than it does a real genuine love for the game...

Isuzu Impulse. The most influential car of the 1980's.

Sorry what was the question again? I spent a bunch of time looking at Grand National pictures.

I fully support the name change and this video is clearly dated, offensive and ridiculous...

But we've been calling them n*$%#s for years! Everyone is fine with it!

"I bid $2 billion."

Honoring Tradition With Tradition