
Darrell Green. Go to the 2:00 mark and watch him run down Tony Dorsett AND Eric Dickerson.

For the last few years, the Grammys have been more about the music than the host, so LL Cool J was just fine.

Thanks, because now I get the chance to use this ...

McCown helped the Browns get out to an 18-point lead against the Ravens yesterday.

“Yogi! Are you watching the kids?”

Good lord. Is there something beyond “super racist,” because I need those words to describe that.

I’ve determined that Caillou is in a coma, and we’re watching his dreams since everything happens inside a thought bubble. WHY WON’T THEY TELL US THE TRUTH????


Came here to say that you improved Seth’s post by several orders of magnitude. Thanks, Eric!

The joke I heard is that the state is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with a whole lot of Alabama in between. I’ve also heard it called Pennsyltucky.

I think the writers wanted to show how Alicia’s misguided loyalty to Peter ended up costing her, how she ended up destroying her friendships and love because of it, which I somehow appreciate, but the ending really didn’t satisfy.

What Would You Do? is a terrible show, a low-grade ripoff of Candid Camera (and brought to you by ABC News). I’m waiting for the day when one of their scenarios gets someone shot and it goes down in flames like Dateline’s To Catch a Predator.

“Receivers didn’t like playing with Robert, because they didn’t get the ball,” Cooley said. “It was never consistent, other than a couple in 2012; they struggled with that. So they didn’t like Robert.”

... a little keypad placed nice and big upfront in the middle of the center stack, which is useful for dialing with your carphone circa 2003.

Nader’s the only reason you have a seat belt in your car had two terms of George W. Bush and all that came with that, bud.

Um, are you were familiar with Kanye’s music? He’s rapped worse things ...

They’ll even take a Tebow who’s as good as Mark Sanchez

I ‘m here for you — you’re thinking of “Runaway”