
It's really interesting to look back and think about how innovative the Nazis were, technology wise. They were the 1st to fly jet fighters, they were trying to develop a space program (not getting into the did they/didn't they have a UFO...), NVIS (horizontal radio antennas for further distance communications), they,

This has been out for nearly 3 - 4 weeks now... Why are you just now doing an article on it?

Wait! This redesign has a search function (even sometimes)? Where do I find this gem?

WTF Giz. I come to your site multiple times daily and I'm still not diggin your new design, nor have I gotten used to the non-user friendliness of it, and now you're posting articles based on what the National Enquirer claims? O_o

Because the navigation in this redesign is utterly counter intuitive and since the stories aren't being pinned, this is about the only way to find them.

*facepalm* the OP's key was, from my understanding, "most users don't use their phones for music or movies" PHONES is the key word. In 2004, few even had the capability to listen to MP3s on their phones. You are quoting iTunes music download data. That encompasses ALL downloads, NOT just directly downloaded from the

The "cloud" isn't the end all, be all and there's a lot of points of failure when ALL of your data is stored on the cloud. I doubt I will every go 100% cloud as long as I have the option to house stuff on physical media. 1) For security reasons. We all know once it's on the internet, it's not 100% secure, and the more


I think he was being sarcastic

Initially they truly did want it. More for the novelty of it all. What I don't think most understood was that in order to have an iAd they needed to hire an iOS developer. Not all design firms have iOS developers (although, many do) and definitely not all company's with in house teams have iOS developers (I would

I'm not so sure the fresh scents of laundry detergent + the fresh scent of mouthwash = good smelling laundry...

I doubt many people are waiting because of Giz's article. Most probably took one look at this new layout and read something else telling them to wait on another site...

I remember the rumors that the iPad 2 would be coming out with the new iPods last fall too. It was supposed to be the iPad 2 with new software. Instead, we got the all encompassing name of "iOS" and a software bump for the iPad and no new hardware. I'm going to to out on a limb (that's in reality a large branch a few

I second that motion. Though I doubt you'll ever know I've agreed with you as I can't seem to find the comment notifications in this new configuration

What browser are you using? I can read it just fine using Safari on my Mac. That being said, I would have been nice to get a heads up they were obliterating the old site and implementing a whole new layout today. (They must've figured it wasn't important since the hackers leaked it last month?) I NEVER want to hear

@|__box__|: I would argue we sure do give ridding the world of ourselves our best effort from time to time

@crazypills77: No, they would for sure have their own proprietary software developed for that purpose. NFL (and D1/D2 college, for that matter) playbooks are complex and I don't see a "one size fits all" app being utilized for this purpose on any of these levels. D3, Ju-Co and/or High School, maybe because of the