
@JustinPM: Meh. Not a "killer" feature IMHO

@meanspirit: A "cool" factor, yes but the learning curve of something like that is too sharp for an average computer user coming from a mouse. Case and point: I let my mom use my laptop tonight, she's never used a laptop before and the trackpad was giving her fits. Obviously my mom isn't the "typical" computer user,

Wait. Why replace the F-22 with RC drones? Thanks to Michael Bay, we all know the F-22 can simply transform into it's own pilot

@dapper_otter: yes, but his boldening of "required" implies it was *more* than the receipt of delivery sig you normally give when they drop stuff off, those aren't required and is why they can leave the package anyway

@FrellMeDead: That's not not all about sperm count. It's also that " educated" people only have between 0 and 2 kids (on average) and with the rise of birth control, birth rates have gone down. There very likely won't be another generation of "baby boomers" because many people (in non-third world countries) go to

Sports equipment? What kinds of sports equipment? What am I supposed to do if it's in my cup? I'm sure as hell not going to stop wearing it....

@Dancing Milkcarton: And to attest to that, they only released Halo and Halo 2 for PCs

@Jason Jeong: That would be stupid, they would NEVER integrate it that retardedly. They actually DO R&D UI and take pride in the simplicity of their UI.

@InsaneGeek: It wasn't any secret, even then, that Apple does it's business in secret and I'm having a hard time understanding how they didn't seem to know that going into the negotiations.

@MEGAMODE: Kinda like the Wii when it came out? Yeah...

@LTMP: I think you overestimate your typical computer user. Going strictly "Kinect" as a desktop computer UI will require a sharp learning curve and your average computer user will probably shy away from something like that. If they're going to integrate it into the desktop, they will have to introduce it slowly for

@Cliff_Dangers: Except the people who made the Wii so popular likely won't be splurging for both an XBOX and a Kinect (or a bundle, if they have those) just to play the same games they already have on the Wii and/or will also come out for the Wii. Last I checked, Wii users aren't gnerally hardcore gamers. Hardcore

@snitch: Yeah it looks pretty gimmicky and, like the Wii, I think it will be popular with the casual gamers and the hardcore gamers will fall out of love with it in the near future

1) Personally, I don't ever have a problem with Apple's secrecy, it's the way they run their company and it's within their rights to do so. Just because they're not "open" like, say, Google, doesn't mean what Apple's doing is wrong or even illegal, just two different business philosophies.

@Habs: Is that legal? If it is, it probably shouldn't be

These comments are interesting. I guess it's dependent on the individual driver(s). I've never had a problem with either UPS or FedEx drivers where I live and am surprised at how many of you actually seem to

Greatest idea EVER! Make them now!! :D

The Silicone Valley spats are really getting old. They all act like

I'm not sure why they picked Ohio in the 1st place. There's a good reason why the southwestern deserts are used as airplane graveyards for both commercial airlines and the military