
That bridge seems pretty scary. I’d probably walk across it at a brisk pace of about 15,000 furlongs per fortnight.

Looks like they last minute just stuck a big touchscreen on there and said fuck it... How is that revolutionary? Most people would prefer a few buttons/knobs for hvac/audio and a dedicated speedometer rather than a touchscreen for everything.

There is nothing new about center mounted instruments.

Different =/= better. I am resistant to changes that suck.

What does that mean? What’s faux about this story?

Alternate headline for The Root:

1) The kidnapping was part of a larger crime spree.

I’m dying to read how “The Root” will depict this, but I’m not going there. I must be strong. That’s why I made the Jalopnik left sidebar disappear: I was deadly annoyed of seeing the suggestions to read their articles.

Plus, which new car doesn’t have issues in the first year?

Shouldn’t you always stop at a red light, seeing as it is the law? I understand you were stopped and I understand that was not the main focus of your comment but it makes you sound like the cyclist that drivers hate. I ride a lot for exercise and to get around downtown Austin on the weekends but I hate it when cyclist

That’s one Tesla owner who managed to keep his head.

To be fair the leggings thing was because they didn’t follow the dress code for the free ride they were getting.

Damn! Still ended up closer to the middle of the parking spot than most BMWs.

This shit is why I still slow down and I look most of the time that I have a green light. Yes you’re right, it’s your right of way, and the other guy is an asshole if they run the light, but being right doesn’t keep you from dealing with the consequences of several tons of metal slamming into you.

Good. At the very minimum, the driver looses a fare and some gas money returning your shit. Uber looses money when this happens. Everyone looses except the forgetful customer. Apparently enough people haven’t been tipping that it has become a problem that common courtesy couldn’t solve. If people just tipped the

I wouldn’t. If I was an Uber driver a person being negligent and not keeping track of their own belongings is wasting my time and is inconveniencing me to return their item(s) both time-wise and monetarily speaking. If a driver has to return someone’s items that’s time wasted that they could have otherwise used to

Well done, Uber. Drivers shouldn’t have to spend their own time and money delivering things to people who can’t keep track of their stuff when they get out of the car.

Uhhhh... dude...?

I think that the cameras, should be on the entire time they’re being worn, and officers shouldn’t be allowed to turn them off, let alone even have that option.
I bet you would see more of this.