Bounty hunters absolutely have legal authority to arrest and detain bail jumpers.
Bounty hunters absolutely have legal authority to arrest and detain bail jumpers.
Yeah, they never existed before Jan 20 2017, in fact, there was no crime ever committed before Trump......
Honestly? It’s a relative non-issue. That’s exactly why the system is set up the way it is. You need a specific VIN and you are rate limited to 15 keys a day. If you’re doing more than one or two at a time, more than likely a flag is going to be set for someone to manually look into what’s going on.
Can you bank them up and just have one really fun weekend?
Na, you didn’t use it so it is still available to you. You be you, enjoy your snark.
But if you didn’t use the snark, couldn’t you keep it for later and use it then?
Then you pony up some cash to pay it. As a taxpayer I don’t want this guy getting a break for doing something stupid.
It’s not, really. The driver makes a blatant dumbass mistake, tried to outsmart everyone else, only to inconvenience everyone else by backing up the traffic for hours, and delaying the project three to four days. If you factor in the economic impact of his fuckup, he’s getting off easy at $10k.
Being responsible for your actions is a great life lesson for this 19 year old. If it cost him 10K, too bad so sad, wait your turn in teh queue.
Ticket - Criminal Law
His actions directly damaged that concrete. The contractor will have to come back with a jackhammer to remove that concrete, haul off the debris, prepare the site, and pour. That is expensive.
Life is tough. It’s tougher when you’re stupid.
Ah... the old HOA. Otherwise known as Lawn Nazi’s where I reside. Thankfully I’m just outside of their brown-shirt jurisdiction in the county, all they can do is weep as they roll by my 2 feet taller hedges then their namby pamby rules allow...that’s right 6 foot ‘ya bastards!
What about tires that need to be replaced anyway? May as well give them a good send off
In NYC, or even anywhere, if anyone just comes up and starts talking to you out of the blue, be on immediate guard. Granted, I get stopped and asked for directions all the time. But as soon as someone deviates from what they originally ask such as trying to sell me something, I walk away immediately. A lot of these…
I’m really angry at all parties here. People will say “only be mad at the crooks”, but come on now why would you give anybody that you just met 10 mins ago your money. It’s common fucking sense. Stop and think. Actually the more I think about it, i’m more pissed at the victim than the crooks.
Speculation is the inevitable result of Porsche’s refusal to build to demand.
Around here bicyclists are almost always riding 3/4 wide on 2 lane back roads, in the middle of the lane. Riding like that makes them more susceptible to almost being hit and more close calls. They blow through stop signs, blow through red lights, fail to yield, and other seriously stupid things. These types of bikers…
He’s not letting you know how cool he is, he’s trying to tell you to stop riding 4 wide on a fucking 2-lane road, you are not the only ones who need to use it!
It’s not uncommon for the HOV lane to be moving faster than the other lanes. Part of the reason for that is semi-limited access, because people aren’t pulling into it all the time and causing slowing traffic to yo-yo behind them. That’s why there’s a double yellow there, which Mr Camry decided to cross. He is very…