I stopped paying attention when they became cookie-cutter bodies using engines and even drivetrain layouts that didn’t even remotely resemble something available from the factory. Like a Camry with an RWD V8? Or a Fusion with the same. Meh.
I stopped paying attention when they became cookie-cutter bodies using engines and even drivetrain layouts that didn’t even remotely resemble something available from the factory. Like a Camry with an RWD V8? Or a Fusion with the same. Meh.
Driver: “That’s an airsoft, get out of here!”
CJ1: “It could put out an eye or break the skin!”
CJ2:“You could get a bad infection!
Time for an Insurance Discount for all Manual transmissions....it’s the least annoying anti-theft device out there.
They make ear muffs for you and the kids
I think you nailed it.
(France and his fellow board members pile into conference room)
The family that owns it has the last name France.
I’d rather hear the noise of the cars and risk damage to my hearing, than be victim to the witless banter of people who would actually go to a NASCAR event.
For crissakes, NASCAR.............quit screwing around with things!!!! You’re going to lose even more fans.
Alternative facts.
Considering most CF hoods cost between $700 and $1000 to make...yes $13,400 is excessive.
We all joke about the Florida thing, but in all seriousness, this was Walmart. Doesn’t matter which state it was in, it’s still a Walmart parking lot... Why would you bring anything valuable there??
I think you mean to say that the Nokia was the Game Boy of mobile phones.
Since when does VAG give a shit about cheating?
Look at your lord and savior himself. Such a thin-skinned snowflake he can’t even have CNN attend his press briefings for fear they ask a mean question.
No need to stop at someones house for a pre-game anymore!
Forget about getting in your car drunk and letting it take you places - let’s talk about getting drunk in your car while it takes you places! Just pounding beers in the driver’s seat while the scenery rushes by.
Or maybe at a safe distance. I fucking hate it when I’m driving the requisite two seconds behind someone on the highway and some prick thinks the gap is an open invitation to merge.
I’d take your bet, but I took math in highschool so you’d probably call me ineligible and never pay up.