
Yes, if you’re the type of person who doesn’t pay their bills... it will hurt you. If you’re the type of person who pays their bills... it will help you. As it should.


Aukey 4.8A dual charger:

Aukey 4.8A dual charger:

Pontiac, it would be years before the hideous fast roof suv became accepted.

Murano Convertible.

I saw a BMW with its turn signal on once.

How about something ridiculously classic like a Model T or something? Would that be too expensive? It surely wouldn’t depreciate.

I asked my coworker, Tim Brady, what he thought about Trump and his plans for Muslims, and he told me to get the fuck out of his cubicle. Also I’m not a reporter. Can I still have $100?

Toronado 67 X & 70 X

So... this technology renders the vehicle safe to drive behind Volkswagens?

but we have those, and you can signal other drivers in a festive way as well!

When I’m working, yes I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the man who’s working hard for you
And when the money, comes in for the work I do
I’ll give up every single paycheck just for you
When I come home (when I come home) well I know I’m gonna be
I’m gonna be the man who comes back home to you
And if I hoon on’ (before I

Cupholders - Often complained about and back in the nineties often looked down on by European types (myself included) as being a frivolous concession to the yanks for their big gulps and weak coffee. How wrong I was.

More than 5 years.

More than 5 years.

Breville BOV800XL.

Breville BOV800XL.

Gizmodo: Chrome uses too much RAM.
Jalopnik: RAM uses too much chrome.

I think line-of-sight is one important factor here. If you can see the car, I think its OK. Even if someone calls the cops, I think line-of-sight would be a viable defense.

Yeah that’s what we get for Florida merging three highways together for like 50 miles and giving all of them a slew of separate names. At least Google Maps didn’t go by their nicknames as well, which change depending on which part of the road you’re on.