
I looked into the PSLF program as my wife is a teacher and would (or at least should) qualify for complete loan forgiveness after the 120 monthly payments. However, all of her loans were on a repayment plan that was 120 months, meaning that by the time she had made the required payments, the loans would have been

Yes, I covered that part in the second paragraph of my post.

Teacher student loan forgiveness is awesome. My wife is a teacher and met all the requirements to qualify for $5,000 worth of student loan forgiveness. We applied shortly after the end of the school year last year (that was the end of her 5th year in a Title 1 school). While it took some time (and a few

If you do tell them a number, are you required to be truthful? If you are making X but are looking for a new job because you feel like you are being underpaid, how bad would it be to say that you are currently making X+10% rather than just X? Would the new company have any way to find out how much you were making at

Agreed. And I have done the trek up all 16 flights of stairs as well. But I don’t do that as frequently as I go down all 16 flights.

With an office job, it is hard enough for me to hit 6,000 steps in a day. I’ve even resorted to walking down all 16 flights of stairs of my office building (down is much easier than up). The only time I manage to get any sort of significant number of steps in a day is when I go to Disney (I’m about 20 minutes from

“For example, let’s say you find a hotel with a nightly rate of $150. That same hotel, via has a nightly rate of $165—$15 more expensive than booking directly through the hotel. Here’s the math:

Yes and that $10 off represents the lowest price this grill has ever been on Amazon.

Yes and that $10 off represents the lowest price this grill has ever been on Amazon.

My oldest car was also my first - a 1992 Volvo 240. It was old and slow and had an unknown number of miles on it (odometer broke just north of 100k miles). In retrospect, it was probably a perfect car for a newly licensed 16 year old. I drove that for around 2 years until it was passed down to my younger sister

Ah, ok. I thought I switched the city, but as I did not pick from the drop down that shows up as you type, it must not have changed. At that rate, it would be cheaper to fly to Florida for the surgery than to do it up there in NYC.

I wish my deductible for my high deductible plan was only “two iPhones”. My current plan has a family deductible of $6,000 ($3,000 for individuals). Granted, I chose this plan because my employer is covering all premium costs and I am maxing out my HSA savings this year, so overall, it is better than my previous

If you twist your knee in New York City and need an ACL repair surgery (as I did a few years ago), Health Care Blue Book says that a “fair” charge is 24 iPhones.”

“There are several really important numbers that go into a loan calculation, specifically the sale price of the car, the down payment, the interest rate and the term. Almost every single piece of that equation can be manipulated to hit a monthly payment. It’s up to you to follow the numbers to see if the math works

My work has gone back to blocking youtube videos so I cannot watch either of the videos (although I remember the Top Gear segment on the Veyron. But it seems this is comparing apples to oranges. In the Veyron example, the cooling system is what uses the 60,000 liters per minute (just under 2,119 CFM). This balloon

First off, if you need training on how to cut a pizza, then you have other problems. Secondly, my example was to show that there are a lot of other things going on inside a pizza place that everyone is trying to get done all at the same time. If a pizza is requested to be cut a special way, it is usually printed on

When I worked for a pizza place, we regularly had schools and churches request 10 slice cuts as they were selling the pizza by the slice and wanted to make more money per pizza.

Agreed. But if you request a different than normal cut and still want consistent slice sizes, you will be sadly disappointed when you open the box.

Double cutting isn’t too bad, but don’t be surprised if they have forgotten to cut everything a second time. But whatever you do, please do not request the pizza cut into 10 slices. You will end up with slices of varying sizes as whomever is cutting your pizza will inevitably cut the pizza twice (in half and then in

Does this apply to older Volvos as well? My dad used to have a mid 2000's Volvo and after a while, it had a very strong smell. Thinking back, it may have been a similar smell to melted crayons, which would be explained by your reasoning. Whatever it was was not a very pleasant smell.

So rather than designing the fuel filler for everyday use, the car manufacturer’s design for the very rare occasion of having to use a gas can on the side of the road? That makes absolutely no sense. You know what makes more sense? Don’t run out of gas on the side of the road and make sure to fill up if you are