
This was a lot better than a B-. It was at least an A. What a surprising and entertaining film. Completely blown away. Salazar and Waltz were fantastic. The story had a great start and build up. The Dolby Cinema 3D was really well done. The score was excellent and at the end of the movie, I said no......I want more.

I don’t understand all the B ratings for this show. It’s one of the best on TV and all episodes so far deserve As at a minimum. 

I agree with UmmDavid who said, he didn’t expect the cannibalism, but now feels like it was glaringly obvious in retrospect. But couldn’t they have cut it into smaller pieces? And seared it a bit first? And I didn’t know we’d get a The Terror crossover. Seriously this sheds a whole new light on Abby and Octavia

I don’t know if I can mention another site but on that has E and W in their name has an interview with Nolan that sheds a little light on the post credit scene. 

Was it me or did we hear Miller on the comm when Bobbie was talking to Holden from her drop ship? I’ll have to go back and watch. Also, it pushed the aw comeon button in my head when a troop of MCN marines drop into an alien vessel of some kind and all they are worried about is nabbing Holden. Then in the alien

The company who is doing the documentary on the crew has agreed to pick up the legal costs for the crew members.At least that is what I thought I heard.

Great, but depressing show. Probably one of the most depressing endings for me since The Mist. I do have to say the CG monster was pretty bad throughout the series. It makes me wish it was t part of the show cause it kind of took me out of the moment when it was on screen. But there should be a bunch of nominations

I read elsewhere that Maeve is becoming Neo. Does that mean Delores is becoming Agent Smith?

I also ask where has it been confirmed that Clark isn’t returning?

The hosts are only unkillable if they have a human tech with a tablet to bring them back. If the human techs are eliminated, the hosts are, so to speak, mortal.

I wonder what happened to Felix? Disappointed we didn’t see him. I was wondering if Maeve would somehow reward him by protecting him.

Dante does the right thing and those flashbacks to prior seasons were outstanding. An exciting episode all around. Oh and you say another guy who shouldn’t have gotten mixed up with Carrie. Unless I’m not remembering something, Dante initiated the contact with Carrie as Saul explained. And do we know if Dante is dead?

It sure seems as if they are leading to being somewhat influenced by the events upcoming in Infinity War. Sort of how they were with Winter Soldier. Lots of references to the movie MCU this episode. One can only hope. I’m not saying we’ll see any movie characters but the event of Infinity War may play a role in the

Sorry. Auto correct kept spelling Jemma as Gemma and this crappy commenting system won’t let me edit.

I thought the scene with Gemma and Deke was wonderfully done. Great acting by both actors and surprisingly emotional. Both their eyes started to tear up as Deke led Gemma down the path. Terrific scene.

I give the episode a solid B+. Enjoyed the heck out of it. And maybe the seer is Bobbi?

Don’t forget about the Pocket PC in the year 2000. Pocket PC 2002 was the first to incorporate a cellphone into the PDA. It then transitioned to Windows Mobile. So the show was only 4-5 years before Pocket PC was introduced.

First, what a great series. I was hooked from Episode 1 and never looked back (thus I disagree with Dennis as I loved season 1). I worried after each season that we would get the dreaded not reviewed. But it never happened. Thanks, AMC. Second I would like to thank AMC for thanking us, the loyal viewers of the show. I

Totally enjoyed the pilot. The production values were excellent, the score was good and I liked the straightforward story. While I enjoy Legion, I like that this is more of a linear story that you don’t really have to ask wtf is going on like you, or at least I did during Legion. And this was 100 times better than

Season 4 was really enjoyable for me. I was glad they had to flashback to Setrakian as a homage to the man who began this journey. The Professor and Fet should get a spin off although it would be difficult. As for spin off, I liked the scene showing the 3 surviving vamps and Fet saying and nothing can go wrong with