
“With this magic schedule, I can squeeze it in between kickball and cornhole!”

It’s going to suck when Ferrell makes an unfunny Caray biopic and Tim Grierson gives it a C-.

My list of essential American brewers:

Nice try, Mr. William A. Dove.

Tell me more......


Jack McCoy and Josiah Bartlett as lovers in the nighttime?

Tom Mees: Steve Olin

PD Eastman is a repeated offender for The Best Nest, which consists largely of a shrill Wife Bird goading an affable Husband Bird into finding her a better house. I keep meaning to research if PD was going through a divorce at the time.

Here we are - our tributes from District 12!

My girlfriend once asked me if it was a problem that white smoke was pouring out of her car. I told her that it was no big deal, it just means they haven't chosen a new pope yet.

It's not like the game counts for anything. He'll do great.

Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?

I can tell you that buying the travel insurance gave us better peace of mind when planning a trip with our 18 month old son. He had never been on a plane and had some previous health issues, so planning a trip was a huge concern. What if he got sick at the last minute?

Uh, is this a job offer?

Let's see what my grandma has to say about these looters.

Bucs 2013: Staph infection

So now they're beating memes to death too?

Bettman: So is this going to be on ESPN and stuff?
Det. J. Faroni: I'm not even talking about ESPN anymore.

I'd be willing to bet $1000 that Pete Carroll still thinks Tavon Austin caught that punt.