Gatis Gailitis

You do not need to turn everything into minimalism. I solve this problem by wearing classic style clothes. Haven't thought about that ? I don't know what's the problem you see here. Swoosh logo ? Big deal, don't fucking buy it and no problem. Want Nikes, accept logo or spend lots of time making these shoes look goofy.

Not for a moment! Though it might inspire some teenage readers around here to go for it and try it out. I know like 2 people who actually do this and they now regret it a lot.

I find this really useful as I'm planning to dual-boot Ubuntu (or ubuntu-like) linux distro as my first step into using this OS. There are just few things that I know about linux and few commands that I picked up from Cygwin... as I said.. for a linux noob like me, I'd like to see more articles like this in future.

I never have a bottle opener with me...reasons- either I just ask someone to open it for me or I open it up with my lighter or keys, or metal edges on my balcony.. if desperate, I have opened it with axe, screwdriver, metal pen.. almost everything* that is made from solid materials and has sharp edges can be your

You might have a point, though I have never had any problems with my DV7 laptop. 3 years without any problems at all. Like, nothing ever happened, no dead pixels, no cheap keyboard modules, c2d 2.0 processor and 4 gb ram, still seems quite quick for my needs and battery lasting long enough even though I have a 17 inch

haha, don't have no ants in my apartment but when I have some bugs that crawled through window, I kill them and say that their family is going to die from broken heart and starvation ..

Or don't forget the best argument "It was taken by camera so that totally belongs here.. " :)

I can tell you with 100% certainty that iPhone is more american thing than European. Ofc I know couple of people with an iPhone and there are a whole lot if we'd count them all, though doesn't compare to U.S. Might not seem particulary useful but only 20,000 from 2 million+ people i my country (Latvia-europe)

I'd also have to agree with you.

Problem much ?

By 'they' I mean those people working on this thing. Seems to be like a waste of time to me.

I still use Rainledar 2 (my vote).