Gatis Gailitis

So like, instead of finding a way to push far more energy into batteries much faster they still like to experiment with fossil fuel.

We can barely find a common language with our own species, how are we suppose to understand someone from the other side of the galaxy. Probably first thing we would ask is if they have some fancy new weapons so we can rip it off. I'm also FOR listening to space... but communicating ? Probably nothing would work out.

do not want.

I wish I had like Retina hd display glasses connectable to xbox or ps3. Not because I have no life, just because I don't want to annoy my roommate when I come home late.

Can't they just make like an alarm that makes sound like that whenever a person is riding a bike? You know, like quieter version of this ? These are really affordable. They probably all come from china anyways.

I'd also want to see those political party websites to go down and see that they are transformed into pr0n sites but flip side would be giving another reason for them to steal more money to fix it their sites again. Maybe even hire some cyber-defense people and pay them abnormally high salaries while actually putting

or this

Rather that than this.

So like, can I get Tom & Jerry violence back ? Nothing has changed anyways, possibly even became worse. And kids are always going to be a little violent, it's an instinct we still have.

herpes on keyboard, nice

An old farmer use to tell me this story how they got rid of rats when they had no mouse trap. They smashed glass into very small pieces and carefully rolled it into melted cheese and left it in the attic. Than.. well the rats eat the cheese ... than you know what happens and than you just stuck all the mouse holes

This guide's ok. I could actually ask my dad if he needs any of this stuff. If I'd give my paps something that other guides suggested, like DIY stuff.. neither of us would be happy. I'd have to buy stuff to make something and it would take a lot of time. No matter how long you've been making it, how much money you

I'm incredibly impressed. This doesn't look like technology from 80's anymore.

Paranoid much ?

Yep, same here. Online news in the morning, evening's for some shows or movies... but usually they are downloaded. I like starting to watch shows which have like 3 seasons or so.

Take my paps for example, never used a PC or Mac at home, never connected phones to internet, rarely sends SMS but in touch with everybody he needs and we are in touch with him.

I guess I suck than. I haven't used TV for over 3 months even though I have one.

Neither do I, this thing scares the shit out of me. Probably would recycle my hands or tie quite easy one day.

Didn't even look like 200 MP/h., looked like it was around 200 Km/h or so. I saw the video.