Gates of Janus

It was certainly is Wes Anderson's most stylized and eccentric movie to date which made me love it that much more. Everything you would expect from Wes Anderson movie, amazing acting, casting, script, and style along with substance. Quickly becoming my favorite Wes Anderson movie, mostly because it is so Wes

I thought Modern Guilt had some really great songs (Gamma Ray was one that comes to mind) but some other songs just sounded like B material. Still though a B material Beck song is better then most working artists entire catalogue. One thing I always like and respected about Beck is that he takes chances musically

I really liked this album, its not as good as Sea Change but its close. He took the David Bowie route, he explored the same sound but tweaked it enough to make it sound more modern. I would put this up there with some of his best work ever. In any case its a welcome change from Modern Guilt which for me was the only

Vicious response, I am not sure who I believe, I lean towards Woody only because there was a rape test done and it proved nothings, but that doesn't mean he didn't engage in some of the stuff he was accused of. Beyond that Mia Farrow always seemed off to me so lying for all these years about it is not something I see

Pig Fuck, one of my favorite actors, he was in so many modern classics it's hard to pin down his best work because in truth every performance he gave was amazing. He stole the show in some of the best movies ever made in the last at least 15 years. I will always remember him in a personal favorite of mine "The

Very sad, not many men can say they mad as much as an impact or lived as full a life as Pete Seeger, his music will live on along with his rebel spirit.

Hope its true, love the Afghan Whigs, saw them on their reunion tour and was honestly one of the top 3 shows I ever been too. Really I like anything Greg Dulli does, would prefer a new Gutter Twins album but this is nice too. Also here is hoping the new album sounds more like "Congregation" and less like "1965"

Must admit I never heard about this band until Laura's transition, but I really love this album and I am enjoying discovering their past work as well. One minor issue with the album and that it is very short, still very good but I don't think the thing runs 30 min. But again a minor issue on an overall great album.