
Now THIS show I would watch!

Same here, but could not remember the mystery man's name.

I haven't watched it yet, and something was holding me back and shoving it down my queue. I realized it was dread of sitting through more of last season's Fanny, so this comment is very encouraging.

I would actually watch that season!

I agree entirely with this assessment. Downton Abbey was never good, but in the first season it wasn't yet apparent. There's obviously a lot of potential here and wonderful stories and characters could come out of this setting and with these production values (though I always find the faces overlit and washed out) but

Totally agree with this. That S&A *appears* to be simply a "let's put on a show" story is a testament to how deceptively easy they make it appear. After all, they're always putting on at least two shows, sometimes more, in addition to all the Burbage business intrigue, character developments, romances, and

Totally agree with this. That S&A *appears* to be simply a "let's put on a show" story is a testament to how deceptively easy they make it appear. After all, they're always putting on at least two shows, sometimes more, in addition to all the Burbage business intrigue, character developments, romances, and

Did not know this, and it's fascinating. I keep thinking about the Profumo scandal while watching this, and how neatly it would fit into The Hour.

Did not know this, and it's fascinating. I keep thinking about the Profumo scandal while watching this, and how neatly it would fit into The Hour.

I have this feeling that 15 years from now we're going to be talking about this terrific young star, and people will be saying "Don't you remember when she played the little girl on Ben & Kate?"

I have this feeling that 15 years from now we're going to be talking about this terrific young star, and people will be saying "Don't you remember when she played the little girl on Ben & Kate?"