
Why, indeed?

Plus, jellyfish. They don't kill (at least in US waters) but they sting and there are so many of them.

Sharks are gorgeous, awesome creatures. When swimming, I just happen to look like their food. Hence why I never ever ever swim in the ocean. Way too scared.

Oh, I’ve posted pictures of all of them individually on here before. If Kinja’s search function worked, I’d link to them.

Old money. Making that kind of display, even if one is fully capable of paying for it, is considered crass in some circles.

I saw a documentary the other day in which a lady who researched animal behaviour sat down near various dogs who she didn't know, and put her hands over her face and 'cried' inconsolably. The dogs in all the cases they showed went nuts and tried to leap in her lap an and get her to stop crying. It was sweet.

I know my dog loves me but she would eat a biscuit out of my murderer’s hand while standing on my cold, dead corpse. She’d feel bad about it later, though.

CassieBear is a known jokester/satirist. I’m not sure it’s actually possible to offend her, don’t worry.

yeah, I flagged it too. it IS Sunday though, I think Gawker’s one mod has the day off...

I flagged the post, and I’m sure at least one other person flagged it, and yet here it is, a couple of hours later. So pathetic.

Do you already know you are racist too?

Monica Lewis, the voice of Chiquita Banana, passed away on Friday. She was 93.

“Ryan, it seems, isn’t just your average clam server; no, he is a college student as well. A college student who is “working two jobs to fund his education.””

peace and love.

Joke’s you Mr. Troll - I’m a 57 year old guy.


Troll harder. 0/5

If he wrote about feminist issues we would attack him for mansplainin.

Well, keep an eye out. I figure I’ll post some samples on my Kinja blog, which I haven’t really used up till now, and if they attract clicks and comments, that will help.

Science wise, I was a psychology major with focus on behavioral and cognitive research, with some neuroscience and pharmacology. I was super, super fortunate in that my behavioral professor was one of B.F. Skinner’s proteges, and my cognitive professor wrote what has become the standard text for graduate and high