and likewise i notice when CGI isn't done well? and i'm not alone in this? i never said it wasnt used well at times. just that when it isnt it takes me out of the moment.
and likewise i notice when CGI isn't done well? and i'm not alone in this? i never said it wasnt used well at times. just that when it isnt it takes me out of the moment.
personal preference, dude. i have a higher suspension of disbelief threshold with practical effects and can't stand the fakeness of so much CGI. thats just how i feel.
dark! but accurate.
it isnt about 'arty', its about 'good'.
i don't think i'm stopping him from making the film by criticizing him. he doesn't give a shit what i think.
psh, my cats are cuddly little darlings.
sorry to hear it! and yeah, totally agree. when im upset my cats are usually right there with me, visibly concerned. animals are deeper than we give them credit for.
for all theyve given me, ill gladly repay it in delicious flesh.
I don't think some of us could survive life without pets…I am so grateful for my cats, and they'll never know or understand what they mean to me.
which suck almost as much as your comments.
oh please. disliking someone's work makes you a 'bigot', really? and how exactly does emmerich get conflated to anybody that makes fantasy films, exactly?
because he's roland emmerich.
you just got 'proved!
when i see interviews with Dancy, my first thought is: why is Will speaking in a British accent?
the put-upon wife stereotype. i loved TDS1 but she was a bit cardboardy.
Will Graham is seriously one of the most fascinating TV characters of the past…ever. Dancy not getting at least NOMINATED for an Emmy or Globe is insanity.
i love hannibal dearly, but it would devolve into self-parody if it went on any longer. i have no problem with them ending it here. i feel like they've said what they needed to say.
as long as Paul has time to be Todd forever and ever, I'm fine with it.