
Tetsuya Nomura needs to be FIRED and PUBLICLY FILLETED for his crimes against Final Fantasy. This shit is so fucking embarrassing. I don’t even have anything funny to say about it, I’m just pissed. I guess it really is up to Yoshi-P to single-handedly save this franchise, after all.

It’s nice to see a woman of color as the main protagonist!

“We didn’t fuck up, you assumed we fucked up!”

<removes original post>

I’ve noticed this particular trend on the internet that people tend to act like they know everything about programming, computer game development, graphics, loading of assets etc when they have 0 knowledge of how a computer actually works or how memory management and these 3d graphics rendering works.

This game is *shockingly* newbie unfriendly. Exactly like you said: Newbies would know nothing about Sephiroth by the end of the game other than “Dressed in black, big sword, killed Cloud’s mom,” have no clue who Zack is or even his relation to anyone, they see Cait Sith for like 5 seconds but for all they know that’s

Let me add Yan to that list.

Deadliest enemies feared at both physical and psychological levels:

Not to worry. I’m sure someone will figure out some other investigation that she just has to be subpoenaed for. It is critical that she never stop serving as an example of just what happens if you embarrass the American government and military. 

Do you people really sit around and get all hot and bothered about any remotely demeaning social movement not portrayed to your liking in media, such as in Persona 5 in this case? Does it truly, deeply upset you? Seriously? Stop and think about it. Are you really that sensitive, self-certain, and arrogant to believe

In a rational world that valued outcome as much as intent, this would be greeted as the equivalent of shouting “Heil Hitler”. I don’t care how “well intentioned” you think communism is “on paper”, it’s a genocidal weapon of mass economic and spiritual destruction. That said, there is a 99% possibility that the leftist

Beauty being in the eye of the beholder, of course. Jesus, haha.

As someone who has felt for some time that the most recent iterations of CoD have been pretty childish and simplistic, I really love the larger, asymmetrical maps and the fact that the world feels like an actual warzone instead of a paintball arena.

of course they would do this the season with the worst animation quality....

Not going to lie, this looks fun as hell. I want it lol

I really hate this school of Pokemon design, whereby they take a random inanimate object with few to no distinguishing features and then say “a ghost blob lives in here now”. Points off for the name as well, which is as horrifying as any the franchise has come up with. Hope to see more fun designs in the full game.

I reject the assumption that “bonded for life” means you have to have like... a daily friendship exchange with someone. I’m bonded for life with people I haven’t talked to in years. There are strangers I’ve met out at a bar that I feel like I bonded to for life even though I’ve never seen them again.

As someone who is not a person of color, my initial read on the trailer was that they had nailed Barret, and I didn’t give it a second pass. That’s... unfortunate on my part, because once this article made me aware, the obviousness of the problem slapped me in the face. Thank you for bringing it up.

i mean, the earth has pretty conclusively been observed to be round and yet there are still people who believe it is flat
even if you showed them gay elephants being gay it might not help much

But... there really are gay elephants.