
Seconded! Hartley's just the worst, as a person and as an artist.

The Samm Schwartz Jughead is indeed definitive… but the article doesn't feature a single panel of his artwork. He *did* draw most instalments of the Dipsy Doodles, but the one you used is by Stan Goldberg, who's no Schwartz (but then, who is?)

"Frustrated by superhero comics?" The solution, apparently, is *more* superhero comics. NRA logic, or what?

It should be noted, and it's important, that "foe of women’s rights Robert Kanigher" was back as editor-writer in 1973. "Again, this seems horribly sexist… But at least Diana came up wth the idea herself, " Nope, that was the same old, likely *more* sexist in his advancing years Bob Kanigher.

The book that served as inspiration for Ilsa was "Les médecins maudits". Is it really difficult to properly spell two little French words?

Dear Horsesass— that still doesn't work. We're talking about a number of episodes, not "a specified amount of time". I guess your own "tossing" is affecting your comprehension. Perhaps more reading and less television watching might help.

This show's been around for 100 years? Impressive.