Guys GUYS! Speaking of dressing funny, plus my eternal quest to get Michigander/Chicagoan Jezzies together for a real life in person meetup:
“Her hair could pose “pose a significant security risk,” the government argues, and undermine the prison’s “important military mission.””
Put your thumb over one half of her face, and then the other. It’s like two entirely different people and I can’t understand what is happening.
Fun Fact! I share a birthday with Lindsay Lohan.
Am I the only one that boils the noodles, dumps out the water, and just sprinkles some of the seasoning on the ramen with some butter? Yeah? Okay, just checking.
I can’t help but read it as “If given the opportunity, this is what I as a man would do.”
Johari, girl, you my hero.
When a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean
C’mon Giada. Everyone knows you’re not supposed to start dating a man until he sticks to the wall when you throw him!
...”don’t seem to understand that there’s a middle ground between “mandatory” and “banned.”I feel like this sums up the entire GOP mindset.
Yeah, but you click the links.
his internal monologue:
“Don’t bro out, don’t bro out, don’t bro out.......”
i meant the one girl looking backwards