This BCO.... this BCO has EVERYTHING (to make you believe in Justice!)....
I kind of have to love how often lately corporate restaurant home offices have been put in the position of having to go to a franchisee and say “You did WHAT now to WHO?! WTF?”
Online slapfights over the most absurd things and passionate, unhinged internet holy wars over stuff no one should…
*quietly, in a soothing voice* I’m just gonna paint a happy little wing on the corner of my eye here...there we go....
This is what happens when a black guy with too much cheddar encounters a white person with swiss cheese for brains.
I get the impulse to be inclusive (and correct me if I’m wrong) but.. don’t these clubs exist to make business connections?
This is horribly unfair, as I usually am able to plan my day’s lunch/dinner based on the BCO header. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am unable to acquire chocolate cake today. So endeth my perfect 18-week (?) run of the Pinkham Diet. :(
My favorite single from her album, 1589, is definitely Welcome to New Yorick. Shake it Out, Damned Spot takes a close second.
I would’ve gone with “Welcome to The Jungle” for a tag. Give those English students a chortle (specially when they get to paragraph 4!)
Yesterday, Richard Cohen wrote a piece about tipping. Oh boy. Strap in.
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…