
Gonna just leave this here:

Who picks these photos? They're genius.

In case anyone needed proof that Natalie Dormer is the One True Queen of Everything...

So... Peter's Dinklage? or Dinklage's Peter?

Splitting this in two for those who are interested in drugs and those who are not:

soooo hot

Was it really necessary for the twins to be related to Jo & Kai. This seems like overkill. Couldn't they just have been from the same coven?

Well, there is no known cure for gaybies.

Do you have to be gay to be a "rabid homosexual activist?" Because just ONCE I want to be part of the cool group!

Rabid homosexual activists

this is true, but dave franco can get the fuck in me

You know how usually the double standard regarding male vs. female promiscuity just seems annoying? This is an example of how fucking dangerous it is. Look how they're discrediting the victims. "She has a lot of sex, therefore she's an untrustworthy whore trying to damage the reputation of this guy who also has a lot

*I* want to start a feminist knitting circle. How to does?

An apology where the person apologizes for what they said instead of for the fact that someone was offended by what they said?

I see what you did there :)

Aw, cum on now, Zac.

Oh, god. This is giving me bad flashbacks to high school. Just substitute the iPhones for digital cameras, Instagram for MySpace, and throw a few more Hollister sweats in there. The popular girls are always the popular girls.

I spend too much time on YouTube, since I was way too excited to see Flula in that trailer...

Why doesn't anyone ever tell dudes to not drink so that they are less likely to harass/assault women? Hmmm?

It's that ex-lawyer quality that just gives Harvey Levin that extra level of annoyingly-usually-rightness.