George Ashdown

An ex-roommate went off his meds. He threatened me, my mom, and beat up my (then 4 month old) cat. The police said I could press charges if I wanted to, he was legally responsible as he knew he needed the meds and went off them. I have all the patience in the world for people who are trying to get better (partly why I

RE: Maria Kanellis, next Raw I want Karl Anderson handing his resignation letter to Angle. The next night, you see him back stage at SDL, Good Brother Gallows is trying to talk some sense into him, reminding him of his #HotAsianWife, telling him to stop acting like a NERD. But Karl isn't listening: he's spraying Axe

Bonne chance.

Can't stand Nina Bo'nina: to be that paranoid, you have to be extremely self-centered. You have to think very highly of yourself to believe that hard that people value you enough as a threat to actively spend most of their energy in coming up with plans to thwart you, in this day and age where people have to plan

You know what? Do your own Google searches. Aunt George is fed up.

99% sure it was.

60 minutes minus the 0.

Lots of crossing in Quebec (2nd place) and then Ontario (3rd), Manitoba being the place where the most people crossed.

You would cross the St Lawrence river to get to Montreal, some 100 miles north of the border. To make any sort of logic, she would have had to cross somewhere south of Ottawa, south of Outaouais river and East of the great Lakes, or near Niagara or Windsor.

She headed North West instead of true North. For your info, Vermont has their signage in metric.

If The Walking Dead's ratings are to be believed, then yes, extremely sustainable.

Every character's motivation makes sense in their own skewed value system. Aunt Lydia doesn't wake up every morning thinking "how can I make these whores suffer before they all go to hell", she thinks "how can I salvage these souls and make Gilead great in the eye of God"…which makes her way more scary: she can be

If it's from a box, it's KD no matter the actual brand. If it's homemade, it's mac and cheese.

There's a hell of a lot of nothingness in that part of the US. To this day, you go through long stretches of interstates with "no cellphone coverage, emergency phone every 2 miles". I can totally picture her making it though secondary roads as long as she can get out of the city and through the border, those are the

2 suicides back to back could bring unwanted attention from the eyes, yes, but I think it was to hammer home how important having a kid is to her.

She's in Ontario, no doubt. Else everything would be in French and then in English, if there would be any English at all. IIRC, the guy told her "Welcome to Ontario….we may relocate you to another province", something like that.

Yeah…as long as you guys can never vote. We don't want to end up with Nickelback's singer as prime minister.

She had a car, probably ran out of gas at some point or abandoned it when she got close to Canada in a bid to avoid border patrol, like the Muslim refugees fleeing the US did last winter. Boston to the Canadian border is more or less 4 hours, but that leads you to Quebec via I89, not Ontario. So probably did it on