George Ashdown

They're trying to get them out. Getting anything out of Gilead is very hard.

Even then, take a hand and a foot.

I'd rather lose my left hand than get excised, personally.

Serena Joy surely thought she needed to: the Janine scene on the bridge could give June ideas, her first handmaid killed herself and part of that story is repeating itself already.

I can't wait to see how Jinder's title defense against Orton measures to Okada's defense against Omega…

Unless they are overwhelmed with the amount of refugees, Canada would give them wellfare for as long as they don't work, like they do with any other refugee right now. It's probably unthinkable for the American public, so they went with an American perspective of what it would be like to be a refugee in Canada, in

They're going for tonal dissonance and end up with jarring tackiness that cheapens everything before it. It's my only main gripe with the series.

Better to have 100+ handmaids behaving the way they want them to than to keep that working womb alive and establish precedence. It would give the handmaids too much power if they let off Janine on the basis that she can procreate again.

Quebec does.

The Canadian refugee program is pretty much that, it's not fictional at all, and there's actually more to it. I study in a college that is part of the refugee integration program. I study embedded programming, in the class right next to mine there are refugees learning how to use an ATM, where to go for health care,

If it keeps my American friends safe, I'm willing to suffer that. A few times when I was living in England old men were being very belligerent with me, a 5'1" 110 lbs girl, until they were told "you know she's not American, right? She's from Montreal. English isn't even her first language." I've lived it, it fucking

I've been rewatching all of Lexx over the last few weeks and it has ruined Raw for me. Whenever Corey Graves talks, all I hear is 790 the whiny robot head. Listen to Corey announce the Miz's victory and tell me that's not 790.
Btw, all of Lexx is available for free on YouTube.…
You're welcome.

"at this point looking like a less developed, slightly more annoying version of Donna. Moffat's habit of using dialogue to disguise a lack of character personality is in full swing here: where Donna was a kind-hearted woman overcompensating for a life being beaten down by the world"

Most people read Bill as naive or slow or straight up dumb, but I think they did a good job of highlighting that she sees things differently than most people and picks up on different cues, will get to the obvious logical conclusions later than most and in a roundabout way, but will decipher less obvious things

Doctor Woo Crispy!

I'm a Pavlovian smarkette:
I see Roman I boo, I see Braun I squeal.
Now I know why.

"The unceremonious arrivals on Raw, aka. relegated to a video package: Apollo Crews, Kalisto, and former Smackdown! Live Tag Team Champions Heath Slater and Rhyno."


Can we discuss how AJ Styles somehow managed to out-tan the Young Bucks last night, or are we just gonna ignore it?