George Ashdown

IT's not gimmick infringement: Seth Rollins is the New Day's captain! (if you haven't seen the New Day + Rollins segments, you're in for a treat!)

I can see the pitch:
Some WWE underlings: "Hey NJPW, pals, we have an AMAZING offer for you. We are willing, out of the goodness of our hearts, for the sake of the health of the business worldwide, to trade you former WORLD. HEAVYWEIGHT. CHAMPIOOOOOON…*cough*jackswager*cough*. YES! you can have a WOOOORLD. HEAVYWEIGHT.

They did a massive one just last year.

He had the tall order of being the champ and not being Kota Ibushi, the internet's chosen. The internet was afraid that Ibushi wasn't gonna sign with the WWE. When they had TJP beat him, the internet knew he hadn't signed. Putting the strap on TJP was a reminder of that to them, and they were ready to nitpick at

I picture him living under the catering table. When the area is all clear, he fills a plate with a mountain of mashed potatoes. He then goes back under the table to eat it in silence, with a single tear rolling down his face.

Oh brother, I'm afraid I've got some bad news…BROTHER.

Bo I think they'll keep, if only because he's a Rotunga. As far as offsprings of famous wrestlers go, I think Curtis Axel is more likely to get future endeavoured. I think most cruiserweights are in a bad situation. I don't think 205 will last for much longer after mania, nor will its associated Raw infomercial. In


LumberJACK match and Jack Swagger is missing.
Jobbers' Rumble and Jack Swagger is missing.
Bray Wyatt excommunicates Luke Harper.
Confirmed: Jack Swagger growing a beard in the Wyatt compound.

Jack Swagger is getting a pink slip after Mania.

But I'm Canadian. :(

Apart from the weird Graves having to flip-flop, I'm really gonna miss Austin "Thumb-in-the-Eye" Aries on commentary when he goes back to the ring.

1- He wasn't distracted as much as he was on edge / nervous and looked all around to see if he was really coming, and if so from where. Seth played it well, IMO.

In that scenario, I like to picture Kevin Owens as Rygel.

Have been a champ (US, Intercontinental, World, Tag) within the last calendar year?
The only ones that don't fit the list are Baron Corbin, Big Show (but he was announced on so could be an authority person put him there) and Lesnar/Goldberg/Taker, for those 3 they have a "will do what they want when they want"

Seth Rollins has such a crush on Kenny Omega.
The WWE had a video (they have since taken down) of Rollins saying he wanted Omega in the Rumble and last night he straight up lifted from his move set (that was NOT a regular knee strike, that was a V-Trigger). Oh and then he went for a Rainmaker setup into a sling blade.


Hey Alicia "Hot Chocolate" Faaaukes: if your hand gets sore, I won't mind slapping Dar all night long for you.


I can't get over his pepperoni-slice-like nipples, personally.

The whole "Jack Swagger has disappeared, why won't they acknowledge it on screen?" thing has been an inside joke in my circle, and the most entertaining Jack Swagger has ever been.