
While my boyfriend’s fiancée was delivering food to him I discovered he had been an armed robber. None of this sat well with me, but eating together is indeed an eye-opener.


Holy yes.

Are you sure you don’t mean John Mayer?

The character?

pls stop even I can’t help u

Omg girl I’m embarrassed for you.


Women and gay men can be spectacularly evil. Live with a deformity, work for tips, compete with anybody, be a parent or student in a public school system, navigate an underfunded hospital or the court system, and watch. Listen. Even here.

That is an interesting take. It’s so pure and reminds me of the time I thought Trump could never be elected.

I appreciate the heading.

Boggles the mind

Never mind the coherence.

The far end of this thread can stretch to jezebaba. The near end feels ok, but there shimmers a prism of delight in a sense of transgress from societies valued superficiality, it’s separating of the community, lifting whole hale and healthy while labelling others, reductively, as somehow broken. Armed with success,

He was an asshole sporadically but intensely after losing a parent.

Super shiznat show. I watch it with a Roseanne aficionado/object of Trump hateration. Though often marred by the loud, ADD-like wanderings of a stank-footed clumsy loud-assed preteen, we live for Rick n Mort

(Belleweather - thank you)

I love Betty, she’d be in @n+;€@ too. Thank you.
