Gary Woody

It is to the Beatles' credit as Mensch that they from time to time performed one of Ringo's songs. If this is not sufficient evidence that John, Paul, and George were decent fellows, then there are NO decent fellows. IMHO.

I'll raise your "Take two" and bet "Take Five". Your bet.

Please listen to "Rain" on a good stereo system, cranked way the hell up, and then get back to me about "The Beatles". Capische? BTW - lay off the bourbon until your hearing and mental faculties return.

If there is a better actual LIVE R & R album than L@L, Please someone tell me about it. If, on the other hand, you have wider horizons, I may suggest Dave Brubeck, Modern Jazz Quartet, Barefoot Jerry (MAJOR bonus Points if you can tell me about their first gig), und zo weiter.

WELL, EXCUUUUUUUUSE ME! (To just totally rip off Steve Martin). IMHO, Steve Stills is among the better songwriters of the late 20th century. And, having been myself in a performing Men's Glee Club - sometimes doing all male eight part harmony - I, for one, find CSNY to be among the best Big-League "bands" ever, when