The solution to disproportionate responses by the government to persons of color is not to call for disproportionate responses by the government to white people. It’s to stop disproportionate responses against persons of color.
The solution to disproportionate responses by the government to persons of color is not to call for disproportionate responses by the government to white people. It’s to stop disproportionate responses against persons of color.
Even so, he again makes a big show of sniffing the cork ...
“You probably don’t ride, so you don’t understand the unquenchable urge that riding gives you to act like an entitled dickhead on the road.”
Bernie is basically america’s favorite hoody. A little worn out, totally worn in, too old to care about appearances, and an intrinsic statement on income inequality.
People who still have low-def cable/satellite feeds on their high-def TV, and they think just the TV makes it high-def make my blood boil. People who can’t tell between DVD and Blu Ray are terrible as well. Sometimes the in-laws will be over, so I’ll volunteer to run an errand to get out of the house, only to watch my…
I find the unrelenting passage of time to be alarming as well so I’m going to have to side with the police on this one.
Posted below, but I thought I’d reply...
Thank you. Frack activists have ZERO understanding of basic science most of the time. Or how a well works. I’ve listened to a couple of them try and explain why its horrible and evil, before they found out that I’m in the industry. Their understanding of fracking (and how the inside of the earth works) is usually…
Paleo is the absolute worst diet fad of the last 30 years and the amount cult-thinking and junk science used to prop it up is absolutely staggering. And I say that having had conversations with “breatharians” who come off as way more logical and amenable to reason than the paleo fanatics*.
When people protest “fracking” they are protesting all aspects of unconventional natural gas development. From seismic testing (I know people whose water well was contaminated after seismic testing) to building the pad, to drilling, fracking, laying pipelines, water lines, thousands of trucks of water and chemicals on…
They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.