Ira Weinberg

Did he work any Takeover Dallas matches?

Filling Cena's spot is probably right. I assume the key to safety deposit box was just too good a storyline to waste on Wrestlemania. Will save for Smackdown

Troll (with a lot of time on his hands) alert

That would have been a great idea

It was the moron Funk's idea. You can't blame Dean.

The Lesner-Ambrose match (or lack of match) perfectly illustrated your point below

Perkus, people like you remind of those "art"'fans who can look at an abstract piece such as a few lines painted on a canvas and see some amazingly sophisticated masterpiece. There is a need from pseudo-intellectuals to pontificate simply due to feel superior. Wrestling psychology?? Lol

Great review and thank you for catching what to me was most surprising aspect of Shane-Taker which was the almost total ignoring of if Shane won he runs Raw. Literally one one time in passing did JBL even make slight mention. Otherwise it was about their legacies. Seems like WWE wanted the Vince threat of a Taker loss

As appears to be no review for 3/21/16 edition I will do an abbreviated one based on most relevant takeaways. Here goes

I'd love to know if those hysterical women were plants. My guess is they were and that was setup to make Roman look over with female fans.

Anyone else agree Raw needs a totally unique new character since it is getting stale? I think Mojo Rawley is that person. Hi in ring skills have improved greatly and his Hype theme would really catch on with the younger viewers Hope he gets a shot.

Since when does Dirty Deeds knock unconscious someone for several minutes? Heck people don't even get pinned by it always and HHH was out like a light from it. Seemed way over the top.

Excellent review. Very well thought out. I actually also thought this show was ok but just found myself bored at times. The move sets of the wrestlers are so predictable that even if they have good matches we have seen it before. Must say Bri Bella has to be the most untalented person on entire roster. Stunningly

Haha think of how much merch Mojo could sell with his hype gimmick. It is over huge already with the tougher NXT crowd

That is very shortsighted of you. Mojo would have built in fan club with kids.

Suggestions for saving Mania

Definitely move in right direction. Now WWE must call up a few NXT talents most ready for bigger strange to keep freshening the product. I think Fin Balor and Mojo Rawley are best choices to call up as Fin is a talented as anyone on roster and Mojo brings unique personality and improving skills (though keep him solo

Actually Shane is no longer CEO of the China business so may have the time

Love the guy and even if he has a man-gina he is hilarious

Even if it's only one letter grade difference I really think tonight's episode deserved an A- for symbolic purposes as the first Raw in years that will forever be remembered. Other than the lame Usos match all others were good to great and the non wrestling drama was off the charts