Ira Weinberg


Wow this episode was so bad I think I may no longer watch and focus on earlier seasons. Number one problem is Claire simply cannot do over the top humor and it is so awkward watching her try to carry a scene. Amazingly stupid storyline her taking over a company with no real experience. Also ruins Jay who is also

Any suggestions on a great FCW he did?

Love Ambrose on mic but does anyone think he is a skilled in ring performer? To me he seems so sloppy and has even less moves than Reigns. I know he was successful on Indy circuit so wonder if he has more legit moves but is trying to just look nuts in ring. If so its a mistake

So glad I am not only one who thinks Ambrose is awful in ring.

Totally agree. The match was almost all Miz on offense and showed very little Styles offense.

Exactly Segun. Maybe AV Club needs a reviewer not easily offended to do Raw reviews. Kind of ridiculous having Kyle do reviews, that if you judge by 99% of the comments here, makes him totally out of touch PC fantatic.

You mean PC not PG lol

Robbie, thank goodness you are one of very few fans who look to be offended more than look to enjoy the show. Suggest you stick to MSNBC and leave Raw to us able to separate acting from reality.

Totally agree. Only those enslaved by PC censorship can find fault with Rock segment.

Wow I thought I was only one who thought Ambrose is very overrated in ring. Love his character but he has about the same number of moves as Reigns. Compared to Owens who has almost unlimited set of moves, Ambrose is very limited.

Wow I normally love this review but was really put off by the writer's obsession with political correctness and inability to separate dislike for Rock from giving an unbiased review of his appearance. If this becomes the PC Police sponsored review page count me as a former member.

I watch the 90 minute condensed version on Hulu +. On the next day and much easier than the three hour marathon on USA