
No Mike?

Gas stoves with pilot light ignition are still available. Electric ignitions can be disabled, then the stove is lit with "Kitchen Matches". That's why they call them "Kitchen Matches", used in kitchens to light gas stoves.

Why didn't Chuck have a gas stove instead of electric? They showed a gas meter outside in this episode. It would have saved a lot of hassle with Coleman stoves over the years.

I don't think the future is too bright for Nacho. Even after his incapacitation, Hector will still be mentally sharp, quite capable of conducting business and still very dangerous.

Hate to break it to you, but no BCS next Monday, you have to wait 2 weeks for the next episode!

This is going to be difficult for Nacho. The nitroglycerin (or whatever) pills need to be dissolved in one's mouth to work. Hector would CERTAINLY notice a different taste of either a poison or a placebo.

Well BB really went 5 1/2 seasons, they snuck a few extra episodes in the last season.

Mike tells Nacho to "Put the pills back." Good advice, just like what Jimmy did when he put the original Mesa Verde documents back in Chuck's file.

Her reaction reminded me of Walt and Jesse's reaction to Tuco brutalizing his own henchman.

One of the Cousins shot the truck driver. Nacho might well be called upon to kill in the future, but there is no evidence in any BCS episode that he is "a killer" yet.

Either way Mesa Verde will blow up in her face.

Chuck would be smart enough to get a Medical Power of Attorney assigned to someone other than Jimmy.

Who did Nacho kill?

When Hector's capsule fell to the ground, I was reminded of shot in Breaking Bad when the .45 cartridge fell out of the Cousin's pocket and fell to the ground. Hank picked up and used it to kill Marco.

Or she dies. I hope not, but that would certainly push him over the edge.

We were all thinking it, so here it is:

They both went completely nuts shortly after the lip reading.